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Writer's pictureSarah Potts

What Is Habitat Restoration?

Habitat restoration is the manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site to return it to its native state. This is a relatively new concept, not becoming a practice until the early 1900s. Habitat restoration could include eradicating exotic species from destroying your property or bringing back native species that help the eco-system thrive all with the goal of restoration.

Habitat Restoration and Native Species

Longleaf pine trees are a Florida native species that is responsible for one of the most diverse ecosystems in North America.

A significant part of habitat restoration is reestablishing native species and wildlife. Development and other disturbances in the environment can negatively affect the pattern of an ecosystem's plants and animals.

For unwanted vegetation, forest herbicide application is an excellent option in many cases for invasive plant control. Heavy forestry mowing, mulching, and roller drum chopping are also great for combatting invasive plants.

Another way to help restore a habitat is prescribed burning; it is a safe and effective way to clear land to encourage the return of native plants and animals. Removing unwanted structures and debris are also effective ways to clear land with the ultimate goal of returning the area to its native landscape.

Habitat Restoration and Wetlands

One way to manipulate the environment to restore the habitat is a process called bedding which we use in wetlands. The planting surface is raised to keep seedlings out of the water, which increases the survival and growth of the new plants. Rich organic soil is used to provide a high level of nutrients to the plants.

Habitat restoration provides everything needed to create and maintain high-quality environments. The well-planned design offers a home for birds and animals dependent on the wetlands for survival.

Habitat Restoration and Reforestation

Land stewardship is doing the best you can for your land— reforestation is a part of that ethic. Trees are grown, cared for, and harvested to fill demands for lumber and other products. Air, water, and soil conservation are managed and practiced at the same time.

Keeping your land in pristine condition can be difficult; there are plenty of variables that make maintaining property a challenge which is when reforestation comes in.

Reforestation promotes forest sustainability through revegetating disturbed or barren ground or replanting after harvest. Fires and natural disasters such as landslides and severe winds can wipe out vegetation.

Reforesting after wildfires include the practice of planting new seedlings. Disease and insects also can affect trees, which requires a knowledgeable assessment and treatment for the problem.

Environmental Restoration

Environmental restoration is when you return a degraded habitat into a self-sustaining area. The final result will look like the appearance and quality of the area the year before the environment was disturbed. Specific projects are utilized to restore the habitat to improve the health of entire ecosystems.

These projects can include:

• Improvement of water quality by treating runoff

• Managing invasive species

• Introduction of native wildlife

• Removing materials from rivers, lakes, and wetlands

Current habitat restoration methods restore damaged critical natural habitats as well as environmental value. The process is continuous and dependent on efficient planning, funding, and support.

Healthy native plants should not have to compete for space and nutrition. Herbicides are a method of eliminating unwelcome growth, but additional treatments may be necessary to eradicate invasive plants completely.

If you are looking for habitat restoration services, contact us today for your free quote!


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